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2020: A Rollercoaster Start

Writer: Leanne BrownLeanne Brown

Well, what can I say? 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least!

How is this going to end?

Will lockdown ever be completely over?

Since 23rd March, the UK has been quarantined and I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m in some kind movie just waiting for the credits now so we can all get back to normal life! Or do we really want to go back to that life? Back on the hamster wheel going through the motions, back to work, kids back to school, eat sleep work repeat! Without really taking any notice of anything or appreciating the world we have in front of our very eyes!

Did you use the time wisely so far?

Did you stop and be still and look around? Did you see what is good in your life and show gratitude to it and what is no longer serving you?

Did you learn something new, get fit, become a healthier person in all of this?

I mean don’t get me wrong. I know I have learned one thing…… homeschooling is most definitely not my thing! I have no idea on year 8 maths and I may have got sacked multiple times (for strangling them in the process)…why do we even need complicated fractions anyway?? I try everything phone a friend, ask the audience, ask the big sister, phone nana!

I just hope Lilia is not as rude to her teacher as she is to me! First the eye roll, then “that’s not how you do it” she shouts, and I’m like “well why are you asking me then?” aaaaarrrrggghhh!

You’d think I never had an education, (granted it’s been a while), but I think I’ll stick to helping Lola with her year 4 maths as I can only just about cope with that!!

Come on, I know I’m not alone here, even though every time I have looked at Instagram I see parents with timetables for their kids, and everyone sitting quietly studying! #badmumclub

On the plus side the weather has been unbelievable, and I’m so grateful for that…can you imagine being stuck inside 24/7!

I’m meditating a lot…it’s the only thing that’s keeping me sane, and initially trying not to eat my own body weight in food everyday or drink myself into oblivion! This was week 1/2 ok and maybe 3! Things have definitely improved since then. From being unsure what my biggest fear was.. getting fat, becoming an alcoholic or murdering a member of my family!? More than likely to be one of the kids during homeschooling. Just kidding! Honest!…to becoming somewhat of an actual domestic goddess (self labelled of course.

Another observation I’ve made during lock down is how much do kids even eat! It’s breakfast, snack, lunch, more snacks, dinner more snacks no wonder I can’t stop eating! And yes, I’m one of those mums who can’t help but finish off the kids food and assumes that it doesn’t count! It’s taken so much discipline to curb that habit! It’s one thing them being at home making tea after school and eating the left overs, but these kids have 467 meals in one day!

This has literally been Lilia’s dream to have school closed, it’s something she has channeling for some time since started teaching them about the law of attraction. I never thought it could backfire on me so badly. To be fair I have good kids and I’m lucky to have them. Halle has been great just getting on with her work her college and has been amazing!

It’s crazy to think Halle and I were in China just last September/October. We went to walk the Great Wall for the charity One Woman at a Time (a charity I’m patron for). What an incredible experience it was!

It almost feels like the world has literally been turned upside down since then! Which genuinely lead me to be inspired for WITH LOVE Leanne.

I am studying meditation and at present doing a teaching course and I’m loving it!

I have become open to so many possibilities in this life that I never knew existed. My own studies about the mind and the body and what we are really capable of.

Tapping into my spirituality and the realisation that the energy we create through our own thoughts is the most powerful tool we possess, I truly believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Meditation has been a key to unlocking my own potential and I am only just at the beginning of trying to understand how incredible we are as a race!

This new venture is going to be a representation of my own thoughts, beliefs and love to you all, to remind us all to be kind, give love, receive love and be open to what the future may bring!

With love Leanne x


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